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Arrow of LightCamperallHuntington Christian SchoolPack 1Webelos

Pack 1 – Makes a presence at Camperall

By October 23, 2023October 25th, 2023No Comments

Pack 1 Makes A Big Presence At Camperall

October 20-22, 2023

Huntington Beach Central Park (Northeast corridor) is where the 2023 BSA Orange County Council held their annual Camperall competition. This three day, two night campout was heavily attended by packs throughout Orange County. The scouts participating in 2023 Camperall were Webelos and AOL – Arrow of Light ranks (4-5 graders, 9-11 years olds). Each pack had their Webelos and AOLs dens register to work together using the “Patrol Method,” each patrol memorized, and had hands-on training the month prior to learn these life-long scouting skills:

  • Fire-building
  • Tent-making
  • First Aid / First Responder
  • Knot Tying (5-knots)
  • Kim’s Game – Based on Rudyard Kipling’s novel
  • BSA 101 – Theory/History
  • Obstacle Course
  • Flag Ceremony (Color Guard / Flag Presenting)

Huntington Beach’s own Pack 1, had two patrols that not only attended but placed best in show (Presidential Award and Honorable Mention). The senior Pizzly Patrol won the Presidential Award the year prior and was looking to repeat their victory, while the younger Kraken Patrol was making their debut. These two patrols worked in unison and to come out this years event with not just some valuable outdoor skillsets but life long memories. After a full day of events, all patrols congregated at the bonfire to perform skits and announce final awards. Pizzly and Kraken patrols took top honors.

AOL – Arrow of Light (5th Grade) – Pizzly Patrol (Presidential Award)

Graham Hollman

Lucas Burcaw

Logan Mayberry

Bode Valenzuela

Ezra Martin


Webelos (4th Grade) – Kraken Patrol (Honorable Mention)

Ethen Escorza

Reed Simmons

Kellan Cooper

Braxton Ketchel

Matias Sandoval

Mason Kelley

Michael Hu

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